Kristen Olson Stone

Kristen Olson Stone

Kristen Olson Stone painting on location.
Click the image above to visit her website.

Kristen Olson Stone’s popular workshops are offered throughout the year in various locales, and focus on a variety of subject matter. The carefully chosen locations provide a wide variety of landscapes to paint including the gorgeous coast of California, cottages, vistas, gardens, missions and more. She tailors each location to a different lesson which includes work on the fundamentals of painting such as composition, value, color, edges, depth and atmosphere. Olson Stone enjoys showing students how to add that special quality you love about your chosen subject by demonstrating how to add those emotions to your painting.

“Painting impressionist landscapes is an exciting approach to seeing and painting color and light. It is important to know what you will need and what to expect. Bringing the right things for an on-location painting will not only make the experience more enjoyable, but will help you eliminate a lot of unnecessary packing and carrying. Please remember that these are suggestions. Feel free to use additional colors, brushes or whatever it takes to make you comfortable. Squeeze out all of your paint ahead of time and leave your color tubes at home or in the car and bring a tube of white with you. Try to bring just what you can carry by yourself to the site in one trip. Some people use backpacks or pull carts to carry their things.”

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